Sunday, April 3, 2011

Everyday Math and TERC Investigations = Bad Math Ed in US


Q & A with Jim Milgram 

Q:  Do you prefer Traditional Math over Reform Math?




Q & A with Ze'ev Wurman

Q:   If you had to rate EDM vs. Singapore Math in achieving real math proficiency, what would be your ranking on 1-10 scale (10 being best) for each program?

A:  Proficiency is hard to define. I would use the preparation for an authentic Algebra 1 course (Nat'l Advisory Math Panel definition) instead.

TERC = 2,
EDM = 4,
Saxon = 7 or 8,
Singapore (Primary Math) = 10.

Clearly, supplementation may change the results for the less effective programs. 


Must Read Website on TERC

A:  Anyone interested in majoring in a technical area should have a much more traditional program than the reform programs. Though there is nothing intrinsically wrong with some of the reform ideas, the implementations are worse than horrible at this time.

Posted via email from concernedabouteducation's posterous

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