Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Active Links for #MidRiversNewsmagazine LTE on #CCSS

I didn't know this would be published, but since it are the active links.
When I read the cover title “Changing Curriculum for better or worse” I thought this would be a balanced article, but nothing could be further from the truth. 


The Common Core Standards Initiative was NOT “State-Led”


The Heritage Foundation and The Pioneer Institute have chronicled the progression of Common Core over the last few years.  It was not state-led as they claim because our locally elected officials were not involved in signing off on the adoptions and public hearings were not held.  Our Governor and State Board of Education signed away our state sovereignty in education and ceded local control of our elected school boards.


Please read: 

States Must Reject National Education Standards While There Is Still Time


The Road to a National Curriculum:  The Legal Aspects of the Common Core Standards, Race to the Top, and Conditional Waivers


Common Core Standards are not rigorous or internationally bench-marked


Sandra Stotsky in “Common Core Standards’ Devastating Impact on Literary Study and Analytical Thinking”


Common Core’s standards not only present a serious threat to state and local education authority, but also put academic quality at risk. Pushing fatally flawed education standards into America’s schools is not the way to improve education for America’s students.


Math Professor Jim Milgram served on the Validation Committee for Common Core and did not sign-off on them. His testimony to the Indiana Senate Education Panel for Hearing on Senate Bill 373 is available here:

Important information from Utahn’s Against Common Core


Stotsky served on the official Common Core Validation Committee and was among those who refused to sign off that the Common Core standards were, in fact, adequate.

Commenting on “A Complete Resource Guide On Utah’s Core Standards,”


Stotsky states, “lies and unsupported claims” abound in the document.  She also writes:

“the writers didn’t even get the committee I was on right. I was appointed to the Validation Committee, not the Standards Development Committee, and along with the one mathematician on the Validation Committee (and 3 others) eclined to sign off on the final version of Common Core’s standards.


The writers keep repeating ad nauseam that Common Core was a state-led effort. Everyone knows most of the effort was financed by the Gates Foundation and that Gates chose the standards writers who had no qualifications for writing K-12 standards in either ELA or math (David Coleman and Jason Zimba).


… I frankly can’t spend time on people who can’t document with citations their claims. What country was used for international benchmarking? Where’s the evidence?

The document simply repeats the false claims made by CCSSO from the beginning.”
This was in the email correspondence, but left out of the printed comment:

More Expert Testimony available at What Is Common Core?  Education without Representation


Michelle Malking has recently written about Common Core Standards here:

Rotten to the Core (Part 1): Obama’s War on Academic Standards


Rotten to the Core (Part 2): Readin’, Writin’ and Deconstructionism


Rotten to the Core: Reader feedback from the frontlines

Posted via email from concernedabouteducation's posterous

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